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Introducing Anne Powders (2)_edited.png

I absolutely love everything skin!  My passion is electric, it’s my world and I want to share it with you. Beautiful glowing skin is for everyone! It brings confidence and a new positivity!


Our skin reflects our personal life experience. Whether its smile lines, sun damage or acne scarring, it forms a part of us and our natural beauty.  


My skin story began beneath the dazzling sun of the Indian subcontinent where I spent the first 18 years of my life. From the earliest days I can remember the relentless hot sun and the bright glare that made my eyes scrunch. There was no UV protection suncream and we rarely wore sunhats.  There was certainly no education on UV sun damage on our skin and we would lie for hours beneath the blistering rays. 

After a very fulfilling career in dental health I am so excited now to be focused on skin and skin health!  This has truly become my passion!  My scientific background gives me a unique professional standing and lead as I delve deep into skin knowledge. Skin had always been there on every client staring back at me, but my eyes had not been trained to look and notice its condition until our skin cancer awareness training, when I realised the important place we hold  in the early detection of skin cancer. This plunged me headfirst into skin science education.   We as skin specialists are in a prime position to see early skin changes and make that life changing referral for our clients.


My passion for skin health with my niche for pro age skincare and treatments continues to grow!  My story is unique and sets me apart as I combine my scientific dental health education and experience with my in-depth knowledge of skin and how it works.  


Throughout our teenage years we slathered on baby oil and baked to a crisp, squeezed our pimples, scrubbed our faces and stripped all the skins goodness with strong soaps and acne creams. We know so much more now about how we need to gently nurture and protect our skin.


Bringing up three young sons had its fair share of challenges!  Years followed where my skincare routine was basic and there was little time for myself. Our home was a hub of energy and activity and from time to time I would grab a spa facial and relax in that precious moment! 

Moving on a few years it was time for my teenage sons to experience their acne and endure months of daily antibiotics which was the only solution offered to them.  We must have tried every acne cream and solution in the chemist and in the end, it was my makeup concealer stick that saved face and brought some teenage confidence. 


But over the years, where has the skin education been?  Were you ever overwhelmed with lists of products recommended after a facial without an explanation?  Or did you become confused with the many ingredients such as retinol and hyaluronic acid, vitamin C or niacinamide to name just a few, and never know which you should use or why or when?  I found it all very confusing and years later with the cupboards full of random out-of-date products, I’ve come to tell you the stories of how to achieve good healthy and glowing skin and to be comfortable in your skin!  I will tell you the story of skin, the story of the ageing process, the story of UV damage, the story of ingredients and so much more!  I am so excited to share this with you!

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